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Created 14-Jun-20
12 photos

A collection of nightscape images and deep sky astrophotography captured 'after hours'. To stand under a blanket of stars and see the shadows cast by the Milky Way is truly inspiring.

'Comet Neowise' - as seen from the Uinta Mountains

'Comet Neowise' - as seen from the Uinta Mountains

'Northern Lights' ~ Ogden Valley

'Northern Lights' ~ Ogden Valley

'Milky Way Meadow' ~ High Uintas

'Milky Way Meadow' ~ High Uintas

'Cloud Penetrator' ~ Comet Neowise

'Cloud Penetrator' ~ Comet Neowise

'Stary Sky' ~ Cathedral Valley

'Stary Sky' ~ Cathedral Valley

'Twin Tails' ~ High Uintas

'Twin Tails' ~ High Uintas

'Midnight Reflection' ~ Christmas Meadows

'Midnight Reflection' ~ Christmas Meadows

'Dark Skies' ~ Coral Pink Sand Dunes

'Dark Skies' ~ Coral Pink Sand Dunes

'Vertical Milky Way' ~ Capitol Reef Nat'l Park

'Vertical Milky Way' ~ Capitol Reef Nat'l Park

'Pre-dawn Visitor' ~ Comet Neowise ~ as seen from Ogden Valley

'Pre-dawn Visitor' ~ Comet Neowise ~  as seen from Ogden Valley

'Midnight in the Desert' ~ Grand Staircase Monument

'Midnight in the Desert' ~ Grand Staircase Monument

'Milky Way Rising' ~ Capitol Reef Nat'l Park

'Milky Way Rising' ~ Capitol Reef Nat'l Park

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail: