Kevin Mikkelsen was born in the heart of a January winter in 1964 just prior to Spring when the earth begins a new season of life. During his childhood he was introduced to the wonders of nature and the beauty that lies there. Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking and backpacking were part of the family activities that took place throughout the year.
His parents and grandparents were instrumental in cultivating a love for all things in the natural world and that continues to this day. As time passes, and new things are seen, more miles are traveled, and more mountains climbed, that love progressively deepens and has become an inspiration in his photographic work. Capturing images through today's digital technology has allowed Kevin to express that inspiration in the form of scenic landscapes & expansive vistas.
Kevin and his wife Sandy reside in North Ogden, Utah right at the base of the Wasatch Range. Besides being a beautiful place to live, North Ogden is the perfect jumping off point in which to reach one of 7 National Parks, a multitude of state parks, countless recreation areas or any number of mountain ranges around the state.
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Images by Kevin Mikkelsen and are copyrighted. Use by permission only (2006-2025)